307 Cliff Dr
Laguna Beach, California 92651

Laguna Art Museum is currently accepting submissions from Orange County and Long Beach artists working in all media for an upcoming exhibition scheduled for February 20 – May 16, 2010.

OsCene is a survey exhibition drawn from artists working in all media including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, multi-media installations, video, architecture, performance, and design.

The survey will focus on artists based in Orange County and Long Beach. However, artists who have an ongoing presence within the county, but may not live in the region and commute, are encouraged to submit, such as employees, university faculty, and students (university seniors, or graduate students are welcome). Work produced within the last two years will be considered.

OsCene 2004 was the first survey of Orange County artists in over 20 years. The Museum received over 400 submissions. Curators from Laguna Art Museum conducted nearly 100 studio visits and then 40 artists were selected. Each OsCene will have a different emphasis. OsCene 2010 will be curated by Grace Kook-Anderson, curator of exhibitions at Laguna Art Museum.

Please Submit the following:

1) Resume

2) Artist statement

3) Materials in any format that best presents your work such as print outs, CDs, or DVDs

4) A S.A.S.E. with enough postage for the return of materials

Laguna Art Museum
Attention: Grace Kook-Anderson
307 Cliff Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL WORK as the Museum cannot be responsible for its safe return.

Deadline for submissions: Monday, September 28, 2009 at 12:00 p.m.

For questions or more information, please email Grace Kook-Anderson at gkook-anderson@lagunaartmuseum.org

Official Website: http://lagunaartmuseum.org/Events/oscene-submissions.html

Added by Laguna Art Museum on August 13, 2009

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