198 5th St
San Francisco, California 94103

Prior Years Partygoers Comments:
This will be our first year at a Novell and Verizon party. Let us know how you liked the event @RSAparties on Twitter.

We'll let you know next year.

Fun Irish beer pub. We've lost many a hour in that place.

RSVP by email to rsaparty2010@novell.com

* Please forward any RSA party invites that you receive to "rsaparties@gmail.com". The identities of our contributors are kept strictly confidential.
* Check this Yahoo Upcoming group frequently as parties are added throughout the RSA conference: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/group/15660
* Follow "RSAparties" on Twitter to obtain up-to-the-minute updates of RSA Parties in progress.

Added by RSA Parties on February 25, 2010

Interested 1