5800 High Point Drive
Irving, Texas 75038

Novel Writers Workshop

YOUR Novel: Idea, Conflict, Story and Pitching (maximum of 11 slots)


Want a NY Times Best-Selling Author to take in in-depth look at your idea, story, and writing? Here's your chance to show me what you've got.

Limited to 11 people, this all day workshop kicks off with an individualized critique of your cover letter, synopsis, and first ten pages. Then, using the synergy of the group, we spend the day exploring your content while searching for ways to make your novel the best it can be.

How do we accomplish this?

* We mine your material for your one-sentence idea.
* Ensure your story has a core conflict lock.
* Scrutinize the integrity of you plot.
* Examine your writing and voice.
* Make certain all three of these critical aspects-conflict, plot, voice-are aligned to maximize characters and storyline.

So let's review: You will receive copies of THE NOVEL WRITERS TOOLKIT and WHO DARES WINS, Bob's eight-hour DVD on how to write and sell your novel and a personal submission critique on your cover letter, synopsis, and first ten pages--over $200 in value alone!

Added by BryanSays on June 17, 2009