Unit 11 Chapel Bar
Nottingham, England NG1 6JR

Girl Geek: Someone who is female and has an interest in technology, particularly computing and new media. Not necessarily technically minded.

Susan Hallam, from Hallam (an internet marketing strategy consultancy and training company - http://www.shcl.co.uk ) will be talking about search engine optimisation - improving your visibility in the search engine results. She will talk about best practice thinking and guidelines for improving your rankings in the natural search results.

Susan is an independent business consultant specialising in web marketing strategy and tactics, customer relationship management and the business impact of emerging Internet technologies. "I'm a geek, I confess, but I'm a marketing technology geek."

How Much:
£10 per head, including buffet, to be paid on the night. Drinks are to be bought separately from the bar.

7:30 - 8:00: Drinks
8:00 - 8:30: Speaker
8:30 onwards: Buffet and drinks

If you are male and wish to attend this event, you must be brought by a female. NO FEMALE, NO ENTRY.

To attend, please add your name to the end of the Wiki: http://nottinghamgirlgeekdinner.pbwiki.com/. If you are an invited male guest, please put your 'date' in brackets after your name.

Official Website: http://nottinghamgirlgeekdinner.pbwiki.com/

Added by katemonkey on June 14, 2007