401 Fulton West
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504

Schedule of events
7:30AM -- Contential Breakfast
8:00AM -- Presentation by Omid Safi "Not the "Axis of Evil": Reforming Islam in Contemporary Iran.

Dr. Omid Safi is the Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Along with numerous articles, he has written three books: Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism; Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters; and The Politics of Knowledge in Premodern Islam: Negotiating Ideology and Religious Inquiry.

For more information about Dr. Safi, please visit his
website, www.omidsafi.com.

Seating is limited, please RSVP.

Added by kristy.czarnecki on September 10, 2010

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