Calling All friends and Family Members - Come Out and Support the Stage Play entitled, "Not On My Block!" This play takes place in Jeffrey Manor and tells the story of how one family influenced their Community to take a stand against all of the violence in their neighborhood and change it back into the beautiful Oasis it once used to be. This play was written and Directed by Jeffrey Manor's own: Tearched H. Scott III. The play information is as follows: 1st New Mount Olive Church, 2349 East 99th Street, 10th and 11th of December 2010 at 6pm - 9pm, Tickets are sold at the door for $15.00 per ticket or two for $25.00. Also, Our Lady Gate of Heven Church, 2338 East 99th Street, 17th and 18th of December 2010 at 6pm - 9pm, Tickets are sold at the door same as above price. Please come support this project in order to help rid our community of all the violence. If interested in being a actor in the play, please contact Mr. Scott at or (773) 908-6623.
Added by trscott003 on November 25, 2010