We see you at the Hotel on Friday and Saturday nights partying with
the other weekend warriors. But where are you on Wednesday? Here is
the new challenge for those Not Dead Yet on Wednesday's, the mother of
all drink specials: Start at 8:00 pm with a $6 shot of Jaeger and
drink free rail liquor until 9:00 pm. After that its $3 High Life and
Mini Champagne Splits until 10:00 pm and then $2 shot of the night
until last call. The challenge, should you choose to accept it will
take place every other Wednesday upstairs at the Hotel bar beats from
Motown to Motorhead and all the other Not Dead Yet greats by DJ PM and
KO Kid.
See you there...unless you're already dead
FREE | THE HOTEL BAR (2nd floor)| 21+ |
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Lambo1.
Added by RNRHOTEL on June 2, 2008