9.30am - 4pm Exhibitions by Veterans Assc at The Froum and The Assembly House in the centre of Norwich
10.45 - 11.20 Military Drum Head Service outside The Forum 11.30am - 12 noon Parade and March past led by the City of Norwich Pipe Band through the city. Military units, bands and Veterans Assc.
12 - 1pm St Peter Mancroft Bell Ringers.
Exhibition at The Assembly House and also a display by Norfolk Military vehicles. Film of East Anglia at War (free) courtesy of University of East Anglia Film Archives. Location of Veterans Tea.
The Assembly House and The Forum are part of Norwich 12 featuring 12 iconic heritage buildings in Norwich www.norwich12.co.uk . Both are registered charities.
Name: Sarah Baker
Phone: 01603 626402
Email: sarah@assemblyhousenorwich.co.uk
Official Website: http://www.theassemblyhousenorwich.co.uk
Added by Armed Forces Day on June 3, 2008
Would love to be there for this occasion but unfortunately I'm elsewhere on Sunday 22nd June
I'm a member of the RASC RCT Assoc Norwich and would be pleased for any info you have about the Veterans Assoc
Thanks for you time
Richard Dawson