John Piano, software entrepreneur and GQ Magazine's "Better Man for 2009," will speak at the Northwest Kidney Centers' 8th annual Breakfast of Hope fundraiser to raise money for life-sustaining dialysis and kidney disease research.
King 5 News Consumer Reporter Jesse Jones will serve as the Master of Ceremonies.
Piano created Transplant Connect, a software organization system to streamline the donation process with real-time medical data. He was a former corporate attorney and media executive whose passion to make the world a better place led him to overhaul the inefficient paper and phone based donor-transplant process with a modern, streamlined, web-based software. Piano's brainchild, Transplant Connect, has assisted in nearly 50 percent of all organ transplants in this country. With over 100,000 people in the United States waiting for an organ transplant, this new technology enables faster and better decisions that save and improve lives.
Proceeds from the breakfast will benefit the charity care fund, organ donation promotion, daily dialysis and kidney research.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 4, 2010