Oct. 12th-14th, Friday at 10am to Sunday at 5:30pm
We'd like to extend a warm invitation to the 8th Annual Northern California Permaculture Convergence, being held at the beautiful 180 board-acre grounds, Permaculture Demonstration Site, and Educational Hub of GreenFriends Farm in Castro Valley, California.
The Convergence program schedule is a 3-day gathering including key note speakers, workshops, open space, bioregional councils, collaborative discussions, spokes councils, hands-on projects, delicious meals, and much more.
This year's theme of "Building Bioregional Resiliency" is intended to guide and inspire the Convergence conversations, workshops, and outcomes towards creating greater strength, interconnection, and resiliency within the economic, social, and ecological systems and relationships of our bioregional communities.
WHO: Permaculture Designers, Permaculture Students, Sustainability Activists, Farmers, Ecovillagers, Green Business Pioneers, Social Architects, and other active transformational communities in Northern California and the West Coast.
WHAT: The Convergence will feature a number of different workshops, speakers, skill-shares, collaborative discussions, children's activities, educational displays, and specialized vendors. It will also generate physical outcomes, strategies, and implementation plans to contribute to this year's theme and intentions.
WHY: A weekend of intensive focus on a common goal: to design sustainable habitats and support systems, in accordance with nature, for humans, plants, animals, our greater bioregion, and the Earth.
HOW: Practitioners across a wide-spectrum of skill-sets exchange ideas through concurrent workshops and discussions ranging from organic agriculture and wild-crafting to natural building and appropriate technologies, environmental remediation and disaster preparedness to community dynamics and global justice. Participants will have opportunities to learn, socialize, network, form new collaborations, and birth new projects.
Official Website: http://permacultureconvergence.com/
Added by FullCalendar on October 3, 2012