Northeast High School Class of 1969 Forty Year Reunion
Event Details:Your reunion committee invites you to attend your forty year reunion.Saturday, October 10, 2009
Doubletree Hotel
237 South Broad StreetPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 19107-56861
toll free 1-800-222-TREE
Reception (incl. hot & cold Hors Doeuvres)6:30 PM - 7:30 PMDinner Buffet (incl. assorted deserts)7:30PM - 11:30 PMOther info:- Business casual, dressy casual- Cash bar starting 6:30 pm- Reservation deadline is October 8, 2009 at prepaid price of $85 per person.The price at the door will be $100 per person (cash only).- Call 215-893-1600 (toll free 1-800-222-TREE) for a limited number of special rated hotel reservationsatthe Doubletree Hotel- Tickets will not be mailed. Your name will appear on the guest list at the registration table
Featuring an encore performance of our very own official NEHS Class of 1969 band, Not Collidge Mateerial"
Hosted ByNortheast High School Class of 1969 - 40 year reunion committee
Northeast High School of Philadelphia, Pa. Class of 1969 Forty year reunion. Contact Pete Weiss via email at
pete013@aol.com. Visit our class homepage at
http://pete013.tripod.com to report on a missing classmate, update your info for our class records, view our extensive photo albums, email directory, and get more info.
Organized by Northeast High School Class of "69"
Ticket Info: Pre-Purchased Event Ticket, $87.12
Official Website: http://nehs1969-upcoming.eventbrite.com