This event has been canceled. Please check back for reschedule date or new location.
Noho Screenwriters Workshop Group Party. It's summer - time for a party! Spouses, kids, partners are welcome. Potluck with a grill set-up. Paper goods, forks, etc. will be provided. Bring your swimsuit and towel.
Added by Joy Chipman on November 16, 2007
I'll bring chips & guacamole and some meat for grilling
Hi Joan--I'm very disappointed that I won't be able to be at this event. I'm flying to Austin on that date for a writing workshop. I'll be thinking of you all as I sit in my cramped airplane seat. Cicily
Hi everybody!
Thanks for the invite! I'm sorry I won't be able to attend. I'm starting a television production class that night. It runs seven consecutive Monday nights. Have fun!
Hey about we meet at my cottage on Hammond Pond in Goshen for this date!We can BBQ, swim, and mayhbe even read a screenplay or so!
PS Let me know if that works for you all? Spouses/partners/kids welcome to join in !