13 Middle Street
Newburyport, Massachusetts

Created by merging two separate meetups in 2008, North Shore Web Geeks is a monthly meetup for web folks just north of Boston that meets on the third Thursday of every month to hang out and chat about all things web.

This month's speaker is Patrick Haney (http://patrickhaney.com), a UI Designer at Harvard University, who will give a brief presentation titled Design for Change, It Makes Cents.

Everyone knows that bad design sucks. But it can also hurt us financially, politically and environmentally. Put good design to use and spread goodwill toward men (and women), save the planet, and make a little money while you're at it.

Stick around afterwards for drinks, conversation and the usual fun.

Official Website: http://northshorewebgeeks.com

Added by notasausage on June 10, 2009