Informal get-together for people interested in information delivery and management to network, talk shop and have some wine.
No fixed agenda. Open to anyone who's interested in current/new things in business intelligence, data mining, data warehousing, mashups, semantic web, open source BI/DW, wine or whatever you feel like discussing.
As a bonus, the first round for the first ten people is on the house.
FYI - quick trip from SF if you're concerned about drive time.
Added by markmadsen on December 13, 2008
Periscope Cellars is a winery right across the bay bridge from SF, a 5-10 minute trip across.,+Emeryville,+CA+94608&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=78.590521,109.335938&ie=UTF8&ll=37.852289,-122.286415&spn=0.00993,0.013347&z=14&iwloc=addr&om=1&source=embed