Noriko Ambe
キル - Artists Books
Linear-Actions Cutting Project
Curated by Glenn Fuhrman
November 7 – December 31, 2009
Opening reception Saturday, November 7, 6 to 8 pm
Artist talk begins at 7 pm
Lora Reynolds Gallery is pleased to announce our first solo exhibition with New York-based artist Noriko Ambe, curated by Glenn Fuhrman. This exhibition is comprised of a specific selection of artist books that were the result of an ongoing conversation between Ambe and Fuhrman.
Utilizing twenty art monographs from artists such as Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol, and Tom Friedman, Ambe has meticulously cut hundreds of varying shapes and lines into each page of each book, creating intricately controlled biomorphic and sculptural fissures. Immersing herself in the body of work encompassed by each monograph, Ambe evaluated the nature of her connection with each artist and specific works – this aided in her decision of what to subtract and what to reveal.
As Lily Wei has written in the exhibition's accompanying catalogue “[Noriko] wanted to establish an intimate bond with these artists, to comprehend their intentions and motivations - in essence, “to be them” - working with them through the assimilation of their art, without the need to be personal.”
A fully illustrated catalogue will be published in conjunction with the exhibition.
Noriko Ambe: キル - Artists Books, Linear-Actions Cutting Project will be on view at Lora Reynolds Gallery, 360 Nueces, Suite 50, Austin, Texas 78701 through December 31, 2009
Official Website:
Added by salvo cheque on October 25, 2009