Join NorCal at our annual general meeting to learn more about the association for returned Peace Corps volunteers as well as hear about Scott Stoll's cycling adventure throughout the world.
1:30PM - 5:30PM Career Workshop
5:30PM - Bingo Networking, FREE Raffle Prize-Come & play!
6:00PM - Potluck & Socializing
6:45PM - 7:15PM Speaker: Scott Stoll, author Falling Uphill. Learn about his cycling adventure: 25,742 miles in 50 countries for 1,461 day on 6 continents.
7:15PM - 8:30PM Annual General Meeting and Elections
8:30PM - World music, dancing & socializing
We especially want to invite returned Peace Corps Volunteers who would like to learn more about NorCal. Also invited are bicycle enthusiasts who would like to hear about Scott Stoll's adventure. Come learn about bringing the world back home!
Free to the public, potluck.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 16, 2009