1354 W Wabansia Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60622

Nora O'Connor was born and raised as a first-generation Irish-American on the scrappy south side of Chicago. Mugs down "dere" tend to shoot first, ask questions later - and always get the mother effing job DONE. The doe-eyed Miss Nora is no exception. In addition to being the most versatile and sought-after singer in town - she is also a legendary bartender, a midwife's assistant (doula) and an ordained reverend. Whether you need to be serenaded, soused, birthed, or hitched, O'Connor has the goods, and how.

Nora has recorded and performed with about a gazillion people, among them Andrew Bird, the New Pornographers, Jeff Tweedy, Archer Prewiit, The Aluminum Group, Janet Bean, Chris Mills, Neko Case, and soul legends Otis Clay and Mavis Staples. Yow!!! All these talents must know something about the dulcet tones of Ms. O'Connor, and you should too.

"When faced with the task of describing somebody whose artistry is so subtle as to be virtually invisible, the temptation is to throw up one's hands and plead to the mercy of the court. As simply as we know how to say it, Nora O'Connor is damn good. Can't you take our word for it?" Steve Pick Riverfront Times

Nora will be performing with the Western Elstons featuring Kelly Hogan

Tour dates, bios, and MP3's:

Added by Bloodshot Records on December 29, 2005