1007 market street (nr 6th)
san francisco, California 94103

Thursday, May 5, 8pm

On May 5th, 2011 at 8 pm, the punk rock duo Grains, the contemporary chamber music group Nonsemble 6, and the postclassical guitar and drum duo The Living Earth Show will present previously composed music, premieres of newly composed music, and improvised music at the Luggage Store in San Francisco on their New Music Series, the longest standing experimental music series in the Bay Area.

On this unusual and innovative program, each of the three groups will rst perform music from their existing repertoire and then combine into a 10-person ensemble of piano, clarinet, ute, violin, cello, two guitars, and two percussionists to perform the world premiere of a new work, composed by Grains' guitarist Brendon Randall-Meyers and titled Precarious Balance, and to perform a piece of improvised music. Throughout the event, the audience is invited to witness the onstage progression from composed classical music on orchestral instruments, to postclassical music for guitar and percussion, to punk rock for guitar and drumset, and the nal interaction between all three ensembles as they combine to both improvise and premiere new works. This event is supported through Subito, the quick advancement grant program of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the American Composers Forum.

Tension Studies Nos. 1 and 2 by Samuel Adams * Precarious Balance by Brendon Randall-Myers
La Costa Bob and Face by Marc Deriso * Grains originals Pand(5) and Arrows

for press inquiries please contact Anna Phillips at acprmedia@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.nonsemble6.com

Added by FullCalendar on April 23, 2011

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