Rennes Drive,
EXETER, England EX4 4ST

The role of the non-executive director has received a great deal of attention in recent years, mainly in the context of listed public companies. But the majority of limited liability companies are unlisted, that is to say, their shares are not traded on a stock exchange; the job of non-executive director in these companies is very different.

This one-day master class will explore the role of the non-executive director in private and unlisted companies which trade for profit.


* individuals considering the non-exective director role as their next career move

* those already in post as non-executive directors who wish to review their role

* companies considering appointing a non-executive director to their board, or assessing the contribution of their existing non-executive director/s.


The master class will provide an opportunity to compare non-executive experiences and to learn from other master class participants.

It will cover the role of the non-executive director as a member of the board team, at and between board meetings, the non-executive director's influence on board composition, succession planning and board processes as well as participation in board committees and task groups. The master class will also consider the job of the board as a whole, governing the company as distinct from managing its business, and aspects of director and board worthiness.

For more information visit and select the IoD tab, alternatively for more information about this or the Institute of Directors Company Development Programme contact directordev or telephone 01392 262578.

Added by anncullum on January 23, 2009

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