This edition of Noir City DC features a cavalcade of noir stars, including Robert Mitchum, Sterling Hayden, and Burt Lancaster, and femmes fatales Rhonda Fleming, Marie Windsor and Kim Novak; seminal works by great noir directors Anthony Mann, Jacques Tourneur and André de Toth; a tribute to the dynamic work of unsung director Andrew L. Stone; plus cult classics and rarities that can't be seen anywhere else. Once again, film noir scholar Foster Hirsch of the Film Noir Foundation will lead discussions on some of the genre's greatest achievements.
Some highlights this year include VERTIGO, JULIE, and THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER.
$10- General Admission
$8.50- AFI Members
$9- Seniors (65+), Students (w/ ID), and Military
Added by swimmerchik07 on September 30, 2010