WHAT: NOHspace Presents: Gogol’s Overcoat
WHO: Oleg Liptson’s InternationalTheaterEnsemble
WHEN: Monday, Jan. 12, & Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009
2840 Mariposa Street at Florida Street, SF 94110
TIX: $20 General / $15 Students/Seniors
Reservations (415) 621-7978
Advance tickets available at www.theatreofyugen.org
NOHspace Presents is a series produced by Theatre of Yugen that showcases emerging and established experimental and Asian-based performers, as well as visiting artists from Japan.
(Dec 18, 2008) As the second installment of this season’s NOHspace Presents series, Theatre of Yugen is proud to present Gogol’s Overcoat, a theatrical and video-art project of Oleg Lipstin’s InternationalTheaterEnsemble.
About The Work
THE NOSE is the first part of the multi-art project GOGOL’S OVERCOAT artistically directed by Oleg Liptsin and produced by ITE in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the great Russian author, Nikolai Gogol. Being a part of the big multi-art creation, THE NOSE is focused on certain artistic elements that eventually suppose to merge together with other components such as shadow theatre art and robotics art in a full-scale production of GOGOL’S OVERCOAT.
As Oleg Liptsin explains “There are 3 main artistic elements that we were focused on during the first phase of creation:
- modern interactive approach to the classical art of narration and story telling using the recent technological achievements in communication devices such as iPhone and its applications;
- live interaction with body tracking software and new projection techniques using the unique “conscious=camera” capturing software;
- the original combination of live acting and video art as one of the main expressive tools in modern performance.”
THE NOSE is a creation in progress and therefore represents the process of artistic search and development in the area of re-establishing the ancient art of narration and story telling using our modern communication tools and interactive technology.
Official Website: http://www.nohspace.org
Added by edwardschocker on January 6, 2009