Nobel Prize-Winner Douglas D. Osheroff to Speak at Portland State
April 18, 2008 Starts: 5:00pm
What: The Portland State Department of Physics presents the 3rd Annual Mark Gurevitch Memorial Lecture, featuring Douglas D. Osheroff, winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics. Osheroff, Department of Physics faculty at Stanford University, will discuss "How Advances in Science Are Made."
Osheroff 's lecture will illustrate some of the research strategies that can increase the probability of making a scientific discovery. He has pioneered work on phenomena occurring at extremely low temperatures and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of superfluid helium-3 found only below 3/1000 of a degree above absolute zero. Current work in quantum fluids and solids includes studies of transport properties in nuclear magnetically ordered solid helium-3, studies of the B phase nucleation in superfluid helium-3, and experimental searches for new magnetically ordered two-dimensional phases of both solid and liquid helium-3 on graphite surfaces.
When: Friday, April 18, 2008, at 5 p.m. Reception to follow lecture.
Where: Hoffman Hall (1833 SW Eleventh Ave.).
Cost: Admission is free and open to the public.
Contact: For more information, contact the Department of Physics at 725-3812.
Background: The Department of Physics established the Mark Gurevitch Memorial Lecture Fund as a tribute to Mark Gurevitch, former chair of the Physics department. The Gurevitch Fund allows the Department of Physics to bring internationally recognized speakers to campus.
Official Website:
Added by multimodal on March 24, 2008