595 E. Water Street
Pendleton, Indiana 46064

Charlene Perry of New Castle has authored several books about the haunts, mysteries and ghost-lore of Madison and nearby counties.

The Pendleton Community Library, 595 East Water Street will sponsor an author’s reception and book signing event for the author on Saturday, October 27th at 2:00p.m. in the library’s Community Room.

Perry will enlighten the attendees about the authentic “ghostly glimpses” of the supernatural that have been experienced by local people. These “glimpses” include a mother that telephoned her son fifteen years after her death and the “little people” at Mounds State Park.

Admission is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Copies of Perry’s books will be available for purchase. RSVPs are appreciated. Call the library, at (765) 778-7527 or email ashannon@pendleton.lib.in.us if you plan to attend.

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on October 18, 2007

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