Campaign for Teen Safety
Another dangerous parental notification initiative will be back on the ballot this November. We are confident that like Prop 73 and Prop 85, Proposition 4 will be defeated yet again because California voters understand that the health and safety of California teens must come first.
Proponents of the measure only care about one thing, chipping away at choice. That's why Planned Parenthood is leading the charge against this dangerous initiative because like many other Prop 4 opponents, we are committed to helping all Californians access safe, quality health care and making sure that teens get timely care and counseling without delay.
We can't beat the new proposition alone. We need committed supporters and volunteers like you to join the 2008 Campaign for Teen Safety to get out the vote, talk to voters and local groups, table at events, phone bank, walk precincts, post a window or lawn sign at your home, and help us raise money to defeat the latest attempt to threaten teen safety by an even wider margin than before.
Sign up for phonebanking and volunteer recruitment drives in San Francisco or East Bay. Click Below:
Official Website:
Added by aclu_nc on October 15, 2008