Join us for the 5th Annual
No More Drama Women's Retreat
Pallotine Renewal Center
15270 Old Halls Ferry Rd
Florissant, MO 63034
Theme: From Trash to Treasure 'An Extreme Makeover'
Exodus 19:5
Package #1 $300.00 includes registration, all sessions and workshops, lodging for 3 nights, all meals and snacks, access to all of the facilities at the retreat site (swimming & other planned activities)
Package #2 $175.00 includes registration, all sessions and workshops, all meals and snacks except Sunday morning breakfast, access to all of the facilities at the retreat site (swimming & other planned activities)
Package #3 $120.00 includes registration, all sessions and workshops, access to all facilities athe retreat site (swimming & other planned activities)
All packages includes a special goodie bag!
Full body massage available for $65.00 to be paid at the time of service.
50% payment is due by Tuesday, March 31st and the final payment is due
Friday, April 24th
To pay online by way of Paypal you must pay in full
For more information: www.fayemosbyministries.org or 314-591-8163
nomoredrama@fayemosbyministries.org for registration form to mail in payment and registration.
A power packed weekend of the Word, Fun, Food, Fellowship!
Leave Renewed, Refreshed, Delivered
Preparation for the Retreat
To get the most out of this retreat we are suggesting that you join us in the following preparation schedule.
Fast starting April 1st each Wednesday from 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; one meal; drinking water only.
Starting May 1st fast 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. one meal a day, water only every day until the next phase.
The final phase starting June 1st fast through the start of the retreat June 11th, consuming only fruits, vegetables & water.
During this time be sure and set aside time to seek God through His word and prayer.
Limit telephone conversations to only necessary contacts.
Limit radio & television to things that have a spiritual base.
Be sure and let your spouse know and seek his agreement with you following the procedures above.
Be sure and pack comfortable casual clothing; bring swimwear, walking shoes &clothes that you can exercise in. Sunday is the only day that you will need dressy clothing.
No Children are allowed.
Discover the Treasure in You...............................
Special Guests:
Pastor Michelle Steele
Prophet Barbara McClain
Pastor Camilla Weatherall
Dr. Valerie Walker
Prophetess Alethia Nicholson Min. Lela Gardener & Rhema Dance Ministry
Prophetess Nicole Griffin Min. Joann Hamilton Min. Victoria Belton
Min. Lisa Davis Min. Arin Smith Prophetess Michelle Bailey
Organized by Faye Mosby Ministries Vessels of Virtue3831 Vaile Ave.
Box 16
Florissant, MO 63034
Ticket Info: - No More Drama Women's Retreat Package #1, $307.50
- No More Drama Women's Retreat Package #2, $179.38
- No More Drama Women's Retreat Package #3, $123.00
Official Website: http://nomoredramawomensretreat-upcoming.eventbrite.com