New Jersey Landlord Tenant Law 101Landlords, understand your rights and be prepared!Featured Speakers: Attorneys at the Law Offices of Levy, Ehrlich, & Petriello
March 18, 2009 6-9pmNewark, NJ 07103
Topics to be covered:
Legal leasing practices
Setting up security deposits
Steps to a successful eviction
Legal question and answer forum
Network and learn from seasoned landlords, industry experts and attorneys. If you are a New Jersey rental property owner, this is one of the year's most important landlord seminars!Space is very limited as thisis an RSVP only event.
Atendees qualify foran exclusiveofferondiscounted Collection Services from (ex)tenants who owe you money & free attendance at the March 31st Landlord Networking event!
Special Pre-Invitation: NJ Landlord Networking Event (March 31st, 2009 in Jersey City)
Find Additional Resources: Landlord Tenant Law Center | NJ Forms & Contracts
Organized by NJ Apartment MLS (GardenStateApartments.com)The NJ Apartment MLS is the premier provider of information and services to the property owner and manager community of New Jersey. Its system has been searched over 2 million times by prospective renters and provides valuable information for property owners including vacancy advertising, forms, legal information, expert articles, and a growing directory of local resources.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Member Only, $15.99
- Standard Landlord Member, $51.20
- Premium Landlord Members, $20.94
- Non-Members and Visitors, $81.95
Official Website: http://njlandlordtenant31809-upcoming.eventbrite.com