American HeartAssociation BLS for Healthcare Providers CPR/AED Class. Students receive a AHABLS CPR text book CD ROM videoanda 2 year American Heart Association BLS CPR/AED card.
Location: Wellesley Inn 1255 Route 10 Whippany, NJ
Date:Thursday April 9th
Time:9:00amtill 1:30pm
Cost: $80 cash or money order by calling (973) 470-9194 to confirm a seat or Enroll by credit card in advance by clicking on the website below www.healthcaretrainingandconsulting.com/cprclasses
Organized by www.NJDefensiveDriving.comNew Jersey Safety and Training company offering NJ Motor Vehicle Commission Approved Defensive Driving Courses as a member and certified NJ Defensive Driving Instructors of the New Jersey State Safety Council and also offering American Heart Association CPR, AED and First Aid Classes.
Ticket Info: BLS for Healthcare Providers CPR/AED Course, $82.00
Official Website: http://new-jersey-cpr-aed-training-nj-upcoming.eventbrite.com