Nipples to the Wind is based on fourteen unforgettably funny female characters, all portrayed by two actors, Janye Anderson and Paula Coco (neither goes “topless!”). The title is based on an old Southern expression that encourages “head up and chin out” through life’s challenges. Written by stand-up performer and playwright Paula Coco, Nipples to the Wind is a refreshing departure from comedy-club punchlines, and instead features intelligently funny character monologues that win over both male and female audiences.
The show features original music by singer/songwriter Kacey Jones, who opens the play with a live performance of her post-plastic surgery homage, “How Do You Like These Babies Now?” Other original music by Tracy James is included in the play, and the soundtrack includes musical pieces by Kacey Jones, Tracy James, and Deborah Liv Johnson.
Tickets: or 1-888-455-SHOW
$35 and $45 -- or get discounted tickets for the Wednesday, March 7 show ($30 and $40)
Official Website:
Added by jessiemae on December 30, 2006