Arrive on Wednesday and spend Wednesday evening with us in the Spearhead Room for drinks, snacks and socializing.
Thursday we head out for a full day of touring including Busch Stadium, the St Louis Arch and riverfront area. The tour price will include your choice of a tram ride ticket or a movie ticket at the arch. This tour DOES NOT include lunch, which will be on your own at the arch / riverfront. We will be back at the hotel for dinner which will be an American buffet including hot dogs, burgers, and related foods.
Friday's tour will take us to the Busch Brewery and Grant's Farm. Lunch will be included with this tour and will be at Bevo Mills.Dinner at the hotel will include a buffet with roast beef, baked chicken, and fried catfish as main menu items.Saturday as always will include the memorial service, the annual meeting, and the grand banquet; all at the convention hotel.
Organized by Association of 3d Armored Division VeteransThe Association of 3d Armored Division Veterans is open to 3d Armored Division vets of all eras; World War II, the Cold War, and Desert Storm. If you served in a unit assigned or attached to the division, you are eligible for membership. We also have membership available for Associate Members, including widows, spouses, children, grandchildren of veterans who served with or were attached to the division.
For further information, please contact the Association President, Daryl W. Gordon, at
president@3ad.org or the Association Secretary, Kevin Colson, at
Ticket Info: - Member Registration, Thursday & Friday Evening Buffets, Banquet, and 1 Reunion T-Shirt, $179.38
- Non-Member Registration, Thursday & Friday Evening Buffets, Banquet, and 1 Reunion T-Shirt, $194.75
- Reunion T-Shirt included with registration Medium, Free
- Reunion T-Shirt included with registration Large, Free
- Reunion T-Shirt included with registration XLarge, Free
- Reunion T-Shirt included with registration XXLarge, Free
- Thursday Busch Stadium and Arch Tour, $66.62
- Friday Busch Brewery, Grant's Farm Tour, $66.62
- Additional Reunion T-Shirt Medium, $15.99
- Additional Reunion T-Shirt Large, $15.99
- Additional Reunion T-Shirt XLarge, $15.99
- Additional Reunion T-Shirt XXLarge, $15.99
Official Website: http://a3adv-ninth-reunion-upcoming.eventbrite.com