37 Windsor Avenue
Belfast, Northern Ireland BT9 6EJ

- using GarageBand (TBC)
Troubleshooting and Housekeeping - keeping your Mac running during the Credit Crunch!

The venue is Windsor Lawn Tennis Club which is located on Windsor Avenue in Belfast. There’s plenty of parking.

We’ll definitely have tables, WiFi and seats. Mac-Sys did buy a Projector we can borrow as well. The meeting will starts at 7 pm and we’ll aim to finish up at 9 pm. The format is still very fast and loose. We still want volunteers to give demos. The turnout will be the best gauge of success!

Official Website: http://www.nimug.org/2008/11/30/nimug-meeting-15th-december-7-pm-9-pm/

Added by NI Creatives on December 2, 2008


Tugboat Marina101

im goingggggg!(: