36 East 8 Street
New York City, New York 10003

The NIETZSCHE CIRCLE announces the inauguration of its film and discussion series

NIETZSCHE & CINEMA is a recurring film series which will explore the relationship between Nietzsche?s philosophy and cinema, examining his influence on screenwriters, directors, film theorists such as Gilles Deleuze, as well as the affect of his aesthetic vision on cinema. Films will be screened which explicitly explore his life or philosophy or which embody the Nietzschean spirit: works in which a transvaluation of values is sought, or similar critiques of culture, religion, art, and politics are being made, while we will also examine the misappropriation, distortion, and abuse of Nietzsche?s ideas. When possible, directors and screenwriters will be invited to discuss their works with noted film critics, cinema historians, and philosophy professors. At the end of each session, a dialogue will be conducted with the spectators. The series will feature classic films, lesser known works, short and experimental films, as well as contemporary cinematic works. When possible, all works will be screened in their original format.
Our first film screening occurs with the support of NYU?s Dept. of Cinema and will be of Alfred Hitchcock?s seminal film, Rope, which was chosen by Tom Cohen, professor of American literary, critical, and cinematic studies at the University at Albany, and Richard Allen, Associate Professor of Cinema Studies at NYU. Mr. Cohen and Mr. Allen will discuss the film along with moderator David Kilpatrick, one of the directors of the Nietzsche Circle and Assistant Professor of Literature, Language, and Communication at Mercy College. A dialogue with the audience with follow.
Tom Cohen?s most recent work includes two volumes on Hitchcock, Hitchcock?s Cryptonomies: Secret Agents & War Machines. Richard Allen is the author of Projecting Illusion: Film Spectatorship and the Impression of Reality and his forthcoming book is Hitchcock's Romantic Irony: Story-telling, Sexuality, and Style (Columbia University Press, possible publication in early 2007). David Kilpatrick?s areas of specialization are violence and representation, modernism, history of drama and the theory of criticism. He has published on Nietzsche, Bataille, Mishima, Nitsch, Barker, and is a theater critic for The Brooklyn Rail. If you have any questions regarding this series, please write to David Kilpatrick at david@nietzschecircle.com Please check our website for updated information: http://nietzschecircle.com

Cantor Film Center, NYU
36 E. 8th St (near University Place)
Friday, January 27th at 7 PM
ADMISSION: $10 or $5 for students

Added by jcrocamo on January 11, 2006