30 College Rd
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

During our next meeting, held on April 29th on the campus of UNH in Durham, we will get out of our desk chairs and explore usability and human factors from a different perspective. Our meeting will feature an interactive open house at the UNH Car Simulator lab where Professor Andrew Kun will discuss Project54, a research and development project to introduce advanced technologies into the operations of the New Hampshire State Police and other law enforcement agencies. During the open house, meeting attendees will be able to experience the car simulators and eye-tracking devices. Following the tour and open house, Professor Kun will present a short talk outlining the work their lab does on car-speech interfaces, and in cruiser systems that allow troopers to connect with a wide variety of state data networks.

For those of you who work on desktop software and websites, we hope that a different perspective on human factors and experience design will inspire you in your work.

Please note the slightly modified timeframe for the meeting to accommodate the open house portion of the event. Please RSVP to info@nhupa.org if you plan to attend so we can plan appropriately.

Official Website: http://www.nhupa.org/

Added by jlbruno on April 15, 2009

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