75 New Hampshire Ave, Suite 100
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801

Hear 5 great speakers in one night! The NH UPA November Meeting will feature a series of 10-minute talks by various professionals in our area.

Please RSVP to info@nhupa.org if you plan to attend.

Deb Biggar (BiggarNet) – How to Market Yourself as a UX Consultant
Rob Landry (Pemaquid Communications) – CSS3 Techniques for Rendering Fonts
Mike Myles (Autodesk) – Parallel Collaborative Design
Georgia Otto (PixelMEDIA) – Impact of Social Media on Information Architecture
Marc Dole (Hatchling) – Behind the Scenes: Designing visual effects for clients & films

Official Website: http://www.nhupa.org/

Added by jlbruno on November 11, 2009