"Everyone is talking about cross-disciplinary innovation and co-creation, but how do you make it actually happen in organizations?
With massive change sweeping the marketplace, designers today face an array of never before encountered challenges and opportunities. To operate in that emerging landscape of complexity, design/innovation leaders need highly adaptable process tools and cross-disciplinary team leadership skills applicable to many types of challenges or opportunities.
WorkshopONE is discipline agnostic and focused primarily on HOW (Process) rather than any particular WHAT (Content). This is not a touchy-feely Kumbaya session, folks. WorkshopONE is a hands-on learning-by-doing session focused on real skills, real instruments, and real challenges. Our instructor teams draw from and share lessons learned in the realms of design, innovation acceleration and strategy consulting practice.
If your work places you in a position where you have to participate on or lead cross-disciplinary teams tasked with constructing solutions to complex, fuzzy challenges, this workshop is for you."
Official Website: http://www.nextd.org/03/
Added by nico_macdonald on May 14, 2007