We're having our first code meetup in Seattle. This is the first in what will hopefully be a monthly series on open source code development and the NewsCloud platform.
At the first session, we'll be talking about LAMP-based open source development tools and the open source Facebook Application Newsroom framework. If you're interested in learning more about Facebook application development, this will be a great introductory session.
I recommend that you have basic PHP/MySQL skills to get the most from this session.
Please RSVP for the location and so we can keep a headcount of how many people to expect.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 22, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
WHERE: Belltown (RSVP for exact location)
QUESTIONS: email us
Official Website: http://blog.newscloud.com/2008/03/newscloud-open.html
Added by reifman on March 29, 2008