1655 Newport Rd.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The City is currently in the process of designing two projects in the Newport Road corridor. One project will permanently replace the culvert at Newport Creek where recent storms have washed out the road. The second project will install new sanitary sewer along a portion of Bird Road and Newport Road. These projects will both require a temporary closure of Newport Road, and will be constructed simultaneously in the summer of 2010. The City invites you to attend this public meeting to learn more about these projects and give your input to City staff.

For more information, please contact:
Newport Creek Culvert Crossing
Nick Hutchinson
(734) 794-6410 x43633
E-mail: nhutchinson@a2gov.org

Bird Road Sanitary Sewer
Igor Kotlyar
(734) 794-6410 x43634
E-mail: ikotlyar@a2gov.org

Official Website: http://www.a2gov.org/government/city_administration/communicationsoffice/Pages/Events.aspx

Added by annarborchronicle on October 29, 2009

Interested 1