Time: 2008/5/31-2008/6/1
Venue: Haidian Theater
Price: 80/120/180/280/380
MSN: ponypiaoen@hotmail.com
Tel: 86-10-64177845
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This is how the fairy tale started...
Whenchildren are listening to a fairy tale, they would always ask "Then?""And then?"... Then what happened to the emperor when the child yelledout "He's wearing nothing at all" ? And then was any other interestingstory taking place? Right, that is how the story started...
This is how the fairy tale developed...
Afterthe event of the new cloth embarrassment, the Old Emperor, who was putin a awkward and embarrassed situation, put all the tailors intoprison. Since then, the whole country led a life of immobilism, wearingcloth as hackneyed as they could, eating food either black or white.All these would not undergo any change until the New Emperor marriedthe Queen...
Thelovely Queen, who was vivacious and disobedient, could not make herselfadaptable to the dull palace life. She decided to make some change. Sheinvented mop shoes and cleaning rag gloves; cooked delicioussandwiches; and learned to make colorful clothes...Such sudden changesmade the Emperor and his chancellors quite uneasy. They tried everymeans to check the Queen's action... Then by what means can the Emperorand chancellors voluntarily put on the "Queen's new cloth" ?
This is how comes the fairy tale to be special…
Formality: Musical
Length:80 minutes
Themes: Because of love, we respect,
Because of love, we forgive,
Because of love, we accept,
Because of love, we change...
This is a delicate present for Children's Day!
Official Website: http://www.piao.com.cn
Added by One Night in Beijing on April 20, 2008