1028 Geary St
San Francisco, California 94109

Please join us for the 10th Annual New Generations Benefit at Element Lounge. This is the premier annual event for progressive supporters of Israel --- dessert reception, cocktails, DJ, dancing, raffle, community!

Purchase tickets online at http://www.nif.org/sfbenefit or contact Jason Bernstein at 415-543-5055 or sf@nif.org

Donors who purchase a VIP ticket are invited to a special pre-benefit VIP reception from 7:00 to 8:00 PM, including a light dinner, screening of a short film, and conversation with New Israel Fund CEO Daniel Sokatch.


Benefit Co-Chairs: Jocelyn Berger, Jeremy Lizt, Kate Taffel

Benefit Committee: Adi Cohen, Jonathan Fuchs, Paula Goldman, Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe, Leslie S. Katz, Rebecca Katz, Hilary Kushins, Ellen Lefkowitz, Jeff Levy, Lloyd Nimetz, William Rostov, Laura Saunders, Alix Wall, Ben Winig, Evan Wolkenstein, Natan Zaidenweber, and Sabrina Zimmerman.

Visit the Element Lounge website at http://www.elementlounge.com/concept.htm.


The New Israel Fund is the leading organization committed to equality and democracy for all Israelis.

New Generations is an open and vibrant community of young professionals, social activists, and community leaders who are committed to the work of the New Israel Fund.


Added by up n came on June 15, 2010

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