The NEW YOU for the NEW YEAR !
7 in Heaven Singles and Professional Life Coach Heidi Bernstein-Krantz bring you this fun highly effective monthly workshop. This special NEW YOU networking workshop, we've arranged for you to meet some outstanding experts to help you gain a confidence boost to be successful this coming year. ALL AGES Evening includes Expert Advice, Free Samples, Prizes, Appetizers
*Certified Personal Matchmaker Gail Adams explains "Matchmaking"
*Dating & Life Coach Heidi Bernstein-Krantz
"Boost your Self Esteem"
*Divorce Prep by Elizabeth Petrakis "Answers to questions on what to expect while divorcing"
*Feng Shui Expert"Move your stuff, bring in love"
*Hypnotherapist / Magnified Healing Eugenia
"Remove Blocks ~ Get Unstuck"
*Nutritional Coach ANN "Eat Thinner/ Healthier "
*Makeup Expert Deb Lawton from Mary Kay
Discusses "Makeup for Dating"
*Professional Photographer Kind Photos
"Importance of GREAT PICS for dating online"
7pm-7:30pm Mingle + Appetizers in Lounge area
7:30pm- 8:15pm Each expert will present a brief synopsis on their services
8:15pm- 9:30pm Visit the experts at their stations for samples, questions, demonstrations
$15 CLICK HERE pay now reserve
RSVP by email if paying CASH at the door
Added by Speed-Dater on December 12, 2012