Municipalities and financing for development infrastructures.
How to finance development infrastructures within the municipalities? This question is currently a central concern for many mayors, institutions and administrations in charge of municipalities and other players in municipal development in a great many countries and especially for those from the developing world.
The current global economic situation , marked by a financial crisis that is affecting the large and small countries of the world alike, makes answering this question more difficult than ever since it is not always easy to accurately foresee in the world of finance what tomorrow may bring. If we add to that the lack of municipal budgets and sometimes lengthy procedures they face to get some subsidies from their governments, it is understandable why mayors are struggling to establish or achieve their policy for local development and for well being of their constituents. It is therefore imperative for each mayor to increase his sources of revenue beginning with financing and to respond to local needs in terms of infrastructure development, which needs are becoming more pressing every day.
Whether it's roads, bridges , schools , hospitals , playgrounds and recreational parks, shopping centers, or maintenance of roads , mayors , anywhere and at any time, must seek and find answers and solutions to problems faced by their communities in the areas mentioned above.
Many mayors and municipal development players around the world are unfortunately facing a major obstacle: the availability of adequate financing to complete their projects successfully. The thinking and knowledge necessary for the establishment of effective and sustainable financing for these projects are therefore critical factors, the control of which determines the results.
The New York seminar organized by American Skills Management in partnership with Metropolis Training Institute, aims to equip participants with the fundamentals - and perspective - building of their capacities for initiating such thinking through a customized training, and to enable them to find or increase available financing which they will then manage or supervise.
Who should attend:
Mayors and municipal authorities in charge of or interested in financing issues.
Project administrators within the municipalities.
Infrastructure officers within the municipalities.
Port and airport authorities.
Construction and public works firms serving the municipalities.
Banks and municipal partner financial institutions
To municipality development partners.
Ministerial institutions in charge of municipalities
To business leaders, traders and business people working with municipalities in the area of infrastructure.
Contact :
Email : Phone : +1 347 597 9626 Fax : +1 646 861 4869
Official Website:
Added by New York Mayors Seminar 2009 on February 12, 2009