62nd Street & Columbus Avenue
New York, New York 10023

Register here:http://newyorkshowcase.eventsbot.com

You are invited to attend our Showcase Spectacular event at the fabulous Lincoln Center. Youwillbe giventhe opportuity toauditionfor many Casting Directors, Talent agents and Producers atthis open showcase. You can perform a scene of your own choice or you can read one of our scripts!
Plus, the best performance of the evening will be given a...

$100 Cash Prize!

Also, you will hear from some of our special guest speakers and casting directors and learn what they look forwhen casting forprojects and much more! Don't miss this Spectacular event that will be heldin the Bruno Walter Auditorium at theLincoln Center.

The Lincoln Center

Register for this event now athttp://newyorkshowcase.eventsbot.com

Official Website: http://newyorkshowcase.eventsbot.com

Added by eventsbot.com on December 24, 2008

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