Ad-Libs, Dallas' longest running comedy show is proud to announce it's New Year's Eve Package Show. Ad-Libs will offer this package show that will be taking place on Wednesday, December 31st at MOUTH (Ad-Libs sister venue), 2626 Main Street. Dallas, TX 75226.
10:00 PM PACKAGE ($75 per person includes)
• The Show
• Open Bar (beer, wine & soft drinks)
• Split-Bottle of Champagne
• Party Favors
• Admission For Two (2) Pass To An Ad-Libs Show In 2009
• Dinner (Pasta Buffet: Succulent chicken fettuccini, zesty chicken horenzo farfalle, veggie primavera. Served with a garden salad, dinner rolls and cheese cake for desert)
• Show Will End Just In Time To Ring In The New Year!
Reservations can be made by calling (214) 754-7050. Cash and credit cards accepted.
Ad-Libs has been performing in Dallas since 1986. The show is all improv. The comedy's subject matter comes directly from the audience, creating interactive entertainment that allows the crowd to become part of the show and feed on the frenzied Mardi Gras atmosphere. The comedy is quick, clean and unforgettable.
Added by Ad-Libs on December 11, 2008