Ring in the New Year with SevenNightsLive.com and Martinez Event Center
Join Us!!
for a night of Comedy, Dancing, Games, Prizes and much more!
You won't leave empty handed we have SWAG BAGS to give a way!
Music by: DJ Mike Vincent--As heard on 95.7 the Wolf in San Francisco
Comedians: Chicago Steve "America Funnest People"
and Jeff Appkebaum "The late late show with Craig Ferguson"
Start your Evening off with Dinner at La Tapatia!
$30 / Three Course Dinner for Two!
includes: an Appetizer, Two Combination Entree's & a Specialty Dessert!
La Tapatia will be OPEN for After Party Midnight Munchies!
To reserve your tickets email Tami at sevennightslive@live.com or call La Tapatia (925) 229-3866
Address: 524 Main Street, Martinez, CA
Official Website: http://www.sevennightslive.com
Added by FullCalendar on December 16, 2009