Let's celebrate!
Full Moon and New Beginnings
Dance - Eat - Perform - Watch - Go Within
Let's celebrate this New Year - Full Moon (Blue Moon) Night.
This Celebration has a lot of potential to be influenced by YOU.
We would love for you to contribute with any of you creativity
regarding: food, music as well as a performance of any kind.
The outline is as follows:
5:00pm: Help preparing food and space
7/8:00pm: Eat
Thereafter: Dance, Perform, Watch as well of quite moments for contemplation and envisioning how to live our inner journey in a creative ways in 2010.
Please RSVP:
I would like to come
I would like to contribute the following dish or food ingredients to be prepared at the IMU
I would like to entertain
I will bring music for dancing
Thursday, Dec 31 7:00pm (or earlier if you would like to help prepare)
Please contribute in some way, monetary, food & prep help
Inner Metamorphosis University Click here
call 773-262-1468 - to email please use our contact form
Official Website: http://lifesurfing.org/events/events-description/new-year-party/
Added by Lake Side Cafe on December 15, 2009