Houston, Texas

Do you feel like you are talking to yourself when you post on your fan page? Or if you do get people responding, it is the same few people every time? If you are not getting interaction on your page, it often means you are spinning your wheels with no results! This webinar will teach you how to:

Achieve your social media goals on your fan page;
Create posts that are likeable, sharable, and interactive;
Establish your page as a solid referral system for new prospects.

This webinar is designed for those in charge of their company/community fan page, such as an on-site team, marketing director, or supplier, and is considered a beginner to intermediate level topic.

Join Brent Williams, The Apartment All Stars, and Multifamily Insiders on April 25th at 2pm ET (11am PT) to get people talking!
> > Register Now! < <

About Brent Williams:
Brent Williams is Chief Insider at Multifamily Insiders, the largest online professional network for the multifamily industry. Brent speaks on a variety of social media topics, including reputation management and social media engagement.

Official Website:

Added by Felicia Norman on April 10, 2012

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