9pm - 3am.
$7 before 10pm;
$12 after.
Main Room:
Melting Girl (Death Guild)
Prince Charming (Pleasure Principle)
In the main room: Dance to the best of U2 in music & videos, plus the rest of the best of new wave. Your host for the evening: Skip.
In the lounge: All New Wave - all night!
WIN! The new limited edition CD release from U2: "No Line On The Horizon".
New Wave City is the first & foremost 80s dance party, devoted to the best in alternative dance music from the New Wave era of the late 70s and early 80s. Each event features a tribute to one of the seminal acts of the period. You'll hear songs from the featured artist throughout the evening as well as the rest of the best of New Wave.
Visuals from Altered Images include vintage video, 80s movies and TV, slide shows of 80s icons, posters and club flyers from 1979-1984, and original concert photos.
If you like events like this, please contribute to the DNA Lounge Legal Defense Fund so that we can keep bringing them to you! The ABC is trying to shut us down, and we need your help to fight back!
Join the "Save DNA Lounge" Facebook group for updates!
Official Website: http://www.dnalounge.com/calendar/2009/03.html#07
Added by DNA Lounge on February 27, 2009