Inventors, Product Developers and Entrepreneurs
Featured Speaker
John Calvert
Senior Advisor
Office of Innovation Development United States Patent and Trademark Office
New Patent Laws Take Effect March 16!
Several significant changes in the nation's patent laws will take place when the central provisions of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act take effect on March 16. The biggest change is a shift from a "first-to-invent" emphasis to a "first-inventor-to-file" system.
Learn what you need to do different and how these new patent laws will affect you as an independent inventor. John Calvert is coming out on behalf of the patent office to educate you on this important topic.
Featured Speaker
Chuck Lamprey
Successful Inventor
Chuck recently licensed his fourth product. This month he's going to come share with you what works and what doesn't work when it comes to making your presentation to companies.
Chuck will show you many real life examples of sell sheets and videos pitching his products. He'll talk about why he chose to go a certain direction with each presentation. This will essentially be a training session, so you can understand how to put together a presentation for your ideas.
A good presentation is everything. This tutorial will help you accomplish "the most important" part in the licensing process........ Sell your idea!
A good presentation does the selling for you.
A great product with the subpar presentation often presented by inventors will most likely mean you'll never get a call back.
However, straight forward presentations that make it easy for a manufacturer to understand the benefits of your product will dramatically increase your chances of success.
At the end of Chuck's presentation you'll give your best guess as to which presentations got licensed and which ones didn't.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 18, 2013