coming year wont be like most others.
External pressures in the marketplace have increased
dramatically. That's why it is even more crucial that we put ourselves into the
best possible position to effectively persuade,
motivate and lead the people for and with whom we work.
Sometimes, however, our socialization as women gets in the way of
applying our skills and talents as effectively as we should.
This special workshop - "My Voice. My Stance. My
Story"* - was created to help women work on both their attitude and their
performance to solidify their career or business success.
For 2 1/2 days you, too, can
practice better anchoring and expressing essential professional competencies to
improve your standing within your organization, as well as with existing and
prospective clients and business partners.
Voice. Do you have trouble finding
and utilizing your voice during a presentation, and end up speaking too
softly, too shrilly or too monotonously? In shying away from emphatically vocalizing
your thoughts and ideas, you are robbing them of the power they need to really
target the message by getting under your audiences skin!
Stance. Do you feel insecure and
wobbly when you stand in front of an audience, or hesitant to take up more
space in a meeting or presentation than absolutely necessary? By taking a firm
stand in the front of the room, and making use of as much room as you need, you
enhance your presence by keeping your audience and yourself! energized,
engaged and focused while you speak!
Story. Are you reluctant to get
off script when you are presenting, sticking instead to the text on your
charts word-for-word, line-by-line? If so, you are missing an important
opportunity to infuse your research results, ideas and recommendations with the relevant
professional stories that transform them from abstract theory into tangible -
and actionable - business practice.
In this workshop you in a group of no more than nine other women receive
the support and guidance of three experienced
coaches. These women work with you both as a group and individually as
you (re-)discover and exercise your own strengths as powerful and compelling
presenters and speakers!
This workshop is part of the Authentic Presentation
Personality series. Click here to register for the German-language version of this workshop!
Lead Coach: Trina E. Roach
Dates: Thursday - Saturday, 19 - 21 March 2009
Time: 14.00 CET (Thursday) till 6.00 CET(Saturday)
Maximum Participants: 10
*The price of attending this workshop includes snacks/coffee breaks, as well as a buffet lunch on both full days.
Organized by Creating Tomorrow: The Leadership ConsultancyCreating Tomorrow is a coaching and training consultancy that facilitates leadership breakthroughs by supporting (tomorrows) executives and entrepreneurs as they discover and consciously develop their Authentic Leadership Competencies.>
Your Result: Enhanced professional performance and improved focus on achieving important business-and career-related goals.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Discount, €955.00
- Normal Attendance, €975.00
- Newsletter Subscribers Discount, €955.00
Official Website: http://voice-stance-story-upcoming.eventbrite.com