2488 Newport Blvd, Suite A1
Costa Mesa, California 92627

Immerse Yourself in These Powerful
3-Hour Long Activation Circles

January 15 – Grounding Self, Money & Safety

7:00 – 10:00 PM


What once took months to learn can now happen in days as we heal and learn on multiple levels and dimensions simultaneously.

During these Celestial Sound Activation Circles you will receive mass energy transmissions that will:
• Clear and activate energy circuits
• Connect to your full un-bounded expression of life-force
• Heal age-old wounds in both the male and female consciousness
The energy of the circle will amplify the mass transmissions and activations. While in sacred space each participant will receive an individual 10-minute activation from Rev. Ayanna and Tora Moon as we flow with High Wisdom energy and information, and the power of sacred sound.

Bring a sacred object for the altar and a healthy snack to share at the end.

Official Website: http://ayannamojica.com/sacred_ceremonies

Added by dvnexpression on January 11, 2010

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