New Millennium Poetry at Sweetwaters
Open mic followed by featured reader
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
7:00-8:30 p.m., Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea
123 W. Washington St., FREE
Our feature is Scott Beal and a group of his fifth- and sixth-grade student poets. Scott is currently serving his third year as Dzanc Writer-in-Residence at Ann Arbor Open School. Scott Beal's poems have appeared in journals including Indiana Review, cream city review and the Bellingham Review. His chapbook, Two Shakespearean Madwomen vs. the Detroit Red Wings, was published in 1999 by White Eagle Coffee Store Press. He earned his MFA in 1996 from the University of Michigan. He has been a core instructor for the Volume Summer Institute in Ann Arbor since 2002, and has led the Neutral Zone's Short Story Workshop since 2007. He writes a column on parenting for
Please call 994-6663 or email if you have any questions.
Added by Jeannie Ballew on November 6, 2010